Web Architecture and Components


Lecture# 01

Understand Web Architecture and Components

in this lecture we will discuss the major components of website development. There are 4 components of website architecture.


An ISP (Internet Service Provider) is a company that provides its customers access to the internet. Without having an ISP, you will not be able to access the internet, Therefore customers are to buy and subscribe to ISPs to guarantee internet usage. Once choosing the right Internet service provider, you would have to determine the type of connection to the internet you wish to have, for example, some service providers offer up to 16GB worth of speed whilst on the internet, or even 10GB of using the internet monthly. One must decide on these factors before buying from the correct internet service provider. They usually provide internet access along with a package, for example, a username and password to an email account where the customer can manage their internet preferences and even a Modem, to set up and get direct internet access from their servers.


Instead of having internet users type in IP addresses to access websites, Domain names are used to identify websites. Domains are linked to IP addresses. They are easier to remember (unlike IP addresses which can contain long numbers and are easy to mistype), and more convenient. Examples of popular domains are www.Google.co.uk or www.Twitter.com. Domains are to be unique to link to IP addresses; they cannot be purchased if someone else has the same name. Domain names are to be between the prefix and the suffix like so: www.Facebook.com.

Web Hosting Service

To be able to publish websites online, you would need a web hosting service which would be a service provided over the internet which allows websites to be hosted on the internet. It allows internet access, therefore making websites accessible to others trying to access the site, for example, a web host allows people using a website to view text and images on the website, so without one, you wouldn’t be able to get any content up from a website without a host.


A protocol is a way that two systems can transmit data to each other. By having protocols, are a set of rules that computers need to follow to be able to communicate with other computers, therefore it needs a protocol. An example of a protocol is HTTP, commonly used whilst surfing the web. If protocols aren’t used, then it won’t be possible to communicate with others on the internet.


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