Explain the Role of TCP/IP Protocols and how they Link to Application Layer Protocol

lecture# 04  


is a way that two systems are able to transmit data to each other. Protocols come with a set of rules when it comes to transmitting data between other computers.
There are many protocols used for being able to communicate with other computer systems,
for example, the most common protocols used are:

  • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
  • Internet Protocol (IP)
  • Domain Name System (DNS)
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
  • Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)
  • Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
  • These all have different sets of rules for being able to transmit data to and from computer systems using the internet

    The protocol you are referring to is called the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). It is a set of communication protocols used for transmitting data over networks, including the Internet. TCP is responsible for ensuring that data packets are transmitted reliably and in the correct order. It establishes a connection between the sending and receiving devices, breaks data into packets, and reassembles them at the destination. IP is responsible for routing the data packets between different networks and ensuring they reach the correct destination. It assigns each packet a unique IP address, which identifies the destination device. TCP/IP provides a reliable and efficient way to transmit data over networks, such as the Internet, and ensures that data packets arrive at their intended destination.

    The TCP/IP protocol suite is composed of separate protocols that work together to allow communication and data transfer between computer systems on networks. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is one of the core protocols in this suite and is responsible for ensuring reliable data transmission by dividing data into packets, assigning sequence numbers to each packet, and confirming that each packet is received by the recipient. It also handles congestion control to ensure that the network isn't overwhelmed with traffic.
    IP (Internet Protocol) is another core protocol in the TCP/IP suite, responsible for addressing and routing data packets across the internet. It assigns an IP address to each device connected to the network and uses this address to identify and deliver packets to the correct destination.
    Together, TCP and IP form the foundation of modern internet communication, allowing for reliable and efficient transfer of data across networks. Other protocols in the TCP/IP suite include DNS (Domain Name System), which maps human-readable domain names to IP addresses, and HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), which is used for web communication.


    A packet is a unit of data that is transmitted over a network. It contains information such as the size of the data, the source and destination addresses, and other metadata that is necessary for the packet to be delivered to its intended destination. In packet-switched networks, such as the Internet, data is broken down into packets and each packet is transmitted individually across the network. The packets may take different routes to reach their destination and are reassembled into the original data at the destination. Each packet contains a header that includes information such as the source and destination addresses, the protocol being used, the size of the packet, and other information that is necessary for the packet to be delivered. The payload of the packet contains the actual data being transmitted. By breaking down data into packets, networks can more efficiently use their resources and handle different types of traffic. Packets can be prioritized based on their importance or the type of data they contain, and networks can dynamically adjust their routing to avoid congestion or other issues.

    Layers of TCP/IP

    The TCP/IP protocol is made up of four layers:

    1. The link layer

    which deals with hardware as it navigates through numerous routers, servers, and other components to get to its destination.

    2. The Internet layer

    which focuses on targeting the IP address.

    3. The transport layer

    establishes communications between hosts and moves the package towards its destination

    4. Application Layer Protocols

    An application layer is an abstraction layer that specifies the shared communications protocols The application layer includes other types of protocols such as HTTP and HTTPS and SMTP.


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