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Explain the Role of TCP/IP Protocols and how they Link to Application Layer Protocol

lecture# 04    protocol is a way that two systems are able to transmit data to each other. Protocols come with a set of rules when it comes to transmitting data between other computers. There are many protocols used for being able to communicate with other computer systems, for example, the most common protocols used are: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Internet Protocol (IP) Domain Name System (DNS) Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) These all have different sets of rules for being able to transmit data to and from computer systems using the internet The protocol you are referring to is called the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). It is a set of communication protocols used for transmitting data over networks, including the Internet. TCP is responsible for ensuring that data packets are transmitted reliably and in the correct order. It establishes

Role of Web Architecture in Website Communication

 Lecture# 02 Role of Web Architecture in Website Communication: A website must be uploaded onto a web server to allow it to be seen across the Internet. The process of uploading involves a protocol called FTP (file transfer protocol). FTPing can be done straight through a browser or using a program such as CuteFTP. It is not only the web pages that must be uploaded to the web server but all other associated files. This includes image, video, and sound files. This is because these files are not embedded into web pages, but linked to them, remaining as separate entities. A web server holds the live copy of the web page which can be seen by the public. There are several web servers software applications such as Internet Information Services (IIS), which comes bundled with modern versions of the Windows operating system or Apache HTTP server. using the Internet to discover the difference between uploading through a browser and a program. Make notes for future use in your coursework.

Web Architecture and Components

  Lecture# 01 Understand Web Architecture and Components in this lecture we will discuss the major components of website development. There are 4 components of website architecture. ISP An ISP (Internet Service Provider) is a company that provides its customers access to the internet. Without having an ISP, you will not be able to access the internet, Therefore customers are to buy and subscribe to ISPs to guarantee internet usage. Once choosing the right Internet service provider, you would have to determine the type of connection to the internet you wish to have, for example, some service providers offer up to 16GB worth of speed whilst on the internet, or even 10GB of using the internet monthly. One must decide on these factors before buying from the correct internet service provider. They usually provide internet access along with a package, for example, a username and password to an email account where the customer can manage their internet preferences and even a Modem, to set up