Components of Web Architecture Involved in Website Communication


Lecture# 03 

to understand the role of web architecture in website communication we need to divide the components into three major categories.
  1. Hardware Components
  2. Software Components
  3. Network Components (Protocols)

Hardware Components:

To access the internet, you would need both hardware and software to be able to access it. The main piece of hardware you will need is a computer. 

1. Computer:

To access the internet, you would need both hardware and software to be able to access it. The main piece of hardware you will need is a computer. A computer will allow you to connect to another piece of hardware, that is the modem.

2. Modem

the modem, allowing users to connect to the internet. The modem is a box that can be connected to a computer by an Ethernet cable to provide internet and can have a built-in wireless router so that an internet connection is available around the house. Having a modem means that you would have paid for internet access from a broadband provider such as virgin or EE which would be your internet service provider. Without having an ISP you will not be able to access the internet, so customers are to buy and subscribe to ISPs to gain internet usage.

So after the modem is connected through the Ethernet cables to the computer, to set up the connection successfully, for example on a Windows computer, you would have to open up the “network and sharing center” and select which network you have, and enter the security key needed to gain access. Once done you should be connected to the internet.

Software Components:

After setting up the connection between the computer and the modem, for internet access to be available to you, the role of software begins. following are the software components

1. Browser

After setting up the connection between the computer and the modem, for internet access to be available to you, internet browsers are needed. There are many types of browsers users can use such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox.

2. World Wide Web 

Using web browsers gives users access to the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web consists of large amounts of web servers, which hosts websites, and billions of web pages containing text, graphics, sound files, videos, and animations.

 Network Components:

 1. Protocols

To use the internet, and communicate over the internet, a protocol is needed, for example, the most common protocol used is HTTP. Without the use of a protocol transmitting data between two systems can not be done, so protocols need to be used when accessing the internet.

2. Web Hosting Services

If you want to be able to access websites, for example,, for this website to be available to you, it must be hosted on a web server. This allows the connection between your computer system and the website. So for example, if you are trying to access Twitter and it isn’t hosted on a web server, you won’t be receiving any content from that website, making it impossible to use the website. So to access it, it must be hosted on a web server, and you must type in the domain name correctly. 

3. Domain

Each website is identified by the IP address of its web server. However, they are difficult to remember, are meaningless in terms of what the website contains, and are easy to mistype. Therefore a website on the Internet needs to purchase a domain name, which can be linked to the IP address. A domain name is the characters that appear between the prefix (eg www.) and the suffix (, for example 'Google'. A domain name should be easy for the user to remember, simple to type, and meaningful, reflecting the site's content. Usually, short names are best, but Mentone those at and are
examples of whole phrases that have been used successfully. A useful thing to remember is that the existence of a site will only spread by word of mouth if it is easy to say, as well as type. Also consider purchasing similar domain names to the one you have chosen, in case a user mistypes it or forgets a section. For example, also owns, and


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